By Watchtower Correspondant "Alligator Wisdom" .
(who recently moved to Japan and is doing the fade)
True! The shrinkage of congregations in Japan is due to the "consolidation" factor. In fact, our Kingdom Hall has just added one congregation last month to share the building. The additional group was a Sign Language congregation. Their former Hall had disbanded the three congregations that was meeting there.
This all corresponds with the "bubble economy" factor that was part of Japan's fast paced growth during the 80's and early 90's. As you may know, many of the industrial giants of Japan had multiplied and grown tremendously during those years (hence, the "BUBBLE"). This also coincided with the growth of the WT and JW's here. But since the economy isn't as prosperous as once was, even the industrial giants (electronics, banks, auto makers...etc.) are also "consolidating" within their enterprises. This is in order to save money and stretch to keep their heads above water. Since everything is very expensive in Japan compared to the rest of the world, I'm sure that the Branch Office here made the same move as their "corporation" counterparts.
Another major factor here is that the youths of JW's are now having a challenge remaining within the ORG. This will contribute to the decline in the years to come. The younger generation here are really endeavoring to plan on how they themselves can keep afloat since the "END" isn't as close as they were taught. Also, these younger ones may also be exploring the internet and discovering for themselves what the WT Society is really based on. (I myself have noticed many anti-JW sites that are popping up in the Japanese language).
When they look behind, they will find my place "in-line" vacant . (SEE YA', BUT I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE YA'.)
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")
EDITED to add (see ya' ~)
Edited by - aLLIGATOR wISDOM on 27 November 2002 5:7:24